305 971 3435


Yes, we know! The gym is boring. Looking for a new and exciting challenge? Looking to drop some pounds? This may be what you have been looking for. The WMB kickboxing program will introduce you to several styles of kickboxing; American, Dutch and Thai. We use the best things from each to give you the best outcome possible. The results have never been better. We have classes for all levels: Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced.
We use the stellar footwork of western boxing with the exceptional angles of Dutch Kickboxing and Muay Thai to enhance already great Thai Boxing curriculum. Competition, Fitness, Self Defense, and fun are all great reasons to join this class.
WMB Miami kickboxing and boxing program is amazing for overall fitness.
Did you know? Kickboxing is known to provide one of the single highest calorie counts lost per hour?
This is why many professional athletes and pro body builders use our classes and training facility for a fun cardio workout with a calorie burn like no other. Try a class on us. Fill out the free trial form below.